We Are Martin Murray & Associates
Expert, proactive defence from a team you can talk to. Criminal solicitors – London firms especially – can seem larger than life. As a client facing charges, the last thing you need is advocacy that leaves you feeling intimidated or overwhelmed | More »
Traffic law is pedantic. As a motoring offence solicitor, our attention to procedural detail can mean the difference between road traffic prosecution and a successful defence. | More »
Criminal Defence
Our criminal defence team, led by principals Andrew Cosma and Paul Turnbull, is supported by our solicitor and paralegal professionals 24/7. If you are…
- Under arrest/detained at a Police Station
- (Call for FREE assistance »)
- Awaiting Youth and Magistrate Court proceedings
- Awaiting Crown Court prosecution
- Facing a serious crime/Very High Cost Case charge
Our criminal defence team is here to advise you. Worried about cost? Talk to us: around 90% of our clients qualify for Legal Aid. Further options are available to privately fund a case.

Our Team
With over 50 staff in total across offices in Uxbridge and Slough, Martin Murray & Associates is going places. We specialise in Criminal & Family Law. We employ Barristers, Solicitors and Paralegals to represent your interests at Police Stations, Magistrates’ Courts, Crown Courts and Higher Courts.
Funding your Case
riminal legal advice from Martin Murray & Associates is offered through both private and publicly (Legal Aid) funded casework. Don’t worry: the way we’re paid makes no difference. You’ll enjoy the same efficient, professional representation however we’re remunerated. How our work for you is funded will depend on the nature of your case:
- Police Station and other Criminal Investigations
- Criminal Proceedings
- Legal Aid
- Privately Funded Cases
- Family/Civil Proceedings

Emergency Police Station Advice
Call: 01753 551313
(Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.30pm)
Call: 01753 600101
(At all other times)

Serious Crime Panel
Members of the VHCC & Serious Fraud Panel
“My legal team were phenomenal, they were with me through every step of the process”