Private Fees for Motoring Cases in the Magistrates Court

We will always first assess if you are eligible for Legal Aid and will assist you with making an application.

However for most driving offences which are ‘summary only’ – meaning they can only be heard in the Magistrates Court – you are unlikely to obtain Legal Aid due to the eligibility criteria and would not therefore be covered by the scheme.

We will advise you on your eligibility for Legal Aid once we ascertain the charges you face.

If you are not eligible for Legal Aid we offer two options to fund your case privately

Option 1

Fixed Fee – In some cases we are able to offer a fixed fee, however this is subject to an initial discussion with you to establish that the case is suitable for this option. This is often dependent on the complexity of your case and the nature of your plea.

A typical example of a fixed fee for a motoring offence/s in the Magistrates Court is as follows:

Attendance at a SINGLE hearing to deal with a guilty plea and mitigation and where overall travel time to and from Court is not more than 60 minutes, the fixed fee cost would be £800 + VAT.

The fixed fee would increase to £1000 + VAT and disbursements (mileage and parking) if the overall travel time to and from court is over 60 minutes from our office.

The fixed fee arrangement is based on an estimate of approximately 3 hours total preparation and attendance time, plus representation at a SINGLE court hearing.

If we represent you at the first hearing on a fixed fee basis and your case is then adjourned to another date, for example, for sentence hearing, a trial or a special reasons/exceptional hardship argument, we will discuss this with you and explain any further fixed fee you will need to pay to cover these. Alternatively having discussed your options with us you could choose to pay for the remainder of your case by hourly rate as listed below.

Option 2

Hourly Rates – We offer two levels of pricing depending on who you decide to instruct:

Instructing a Partner £300 per hour *

Instructing a Consultant £250 per hour *

* Please note this price does not include VAT, mileage, parking and other costs which may be associated or required to progress your case such as obtaining expert reports. Any other costs of this nature will be discussed with you as your case progresses.

Whichever payment structure you decide upon please be assured that this firm will act in your best interests at all times and work with you to make your best case.

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